In this episode we pay tribute to Andrew Payne and also give you a special exclusive mini interview with Colin Prockter who played Stevie in Series 2’s Caught in the Act, Fact (as well as Reggie in a later episode).

I firstly wanted to tell you all about the new Minder annual which is currently out via Confessions Press. Pete asked if I wanted to contribute and I thought it was a good time to pay tribute to Andrew Payne. I also contributed a quiz to the annual.

The annual is a real treat, very much in the style of the classic annuals from the 70s and 80s. Pete’s done a very good job of capturing the presentation perfectly. In the annual you will find some excellent artwork, a couple of fun quizzes, a few comic strips as well as several articles.

They have drawn together some of the best pieces from the course of Minder history. There is even a story from Tony Hoare in there. Unless you are a collector of vintage TV magazines (and I know at least 2 people listening who are) then the chances are you will not have seen some of the material in there. And did I mention I wrote some new material for the book?

With that in mind what I thought I would do is read my tribute with the obligatory clips to give you the full SP and pay homage in a second way.

You can find the annual for purchase here.

Onto Colin Prockter. I contacted him directly after tracking down his details and was lucky enough to receive a reply. Most people are not so honest so full credit to Colin for what he said.

Here I read Colin’s emails to me where he mentions being in the very first Sweeney episode. This was also directed by Terry Green who coincidentally directed Caught in the Act, Fact, the Minder episode Colin tells me a story about.

So listen in for more on Andrew Payne and his top five episodes and a Colin Prockter exclusive.

Download the show here or via Spotify.

We are now three years into The Minder Podcast. I would like to thank you all for listening over the past three years and especially those of you who have written in with words of encouragement and suggestions.

Please do keep writing in as it’s nice to hear from you – even if you have written in before.

For now, thanks for listening!

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