Welcome to episode 17 of The Minder Podcast in association with Minder.org.
In this show we feature an interview with the one and only Karl Howman, who as well as playing Jacko in Brush Strokes and other popular series of the 80s and 90s, also appeared in All About Scoring Innit? from series 2 and broadcast towards the end of 1980.

One of the best episodes, it was a delight to receive insights from Danny Varrow himself. We do indeed talk mostly about the episode, and there are also many references to The Sweeney, which Karl also appeared in, in 1976.
A lot is spoken about the Sweeney and Minder film crews as well as Euston Films. Karl also reveals what he thought about the writers of the era, particularly Willis Hall who wrote the episode we’re talking about. Then there was working with Martin Campbell, director of the episode.
We also talk about the drinking and smoking culture of the time versus today.

A few times the sound unfortunately was lost during a technical hitch but I think you’ll follow the gist. One particular part that needs reaffirming is at the beginning where Karl cuts out for a second, he was actually referring to the passing of Dennis. You can tell he was genuinely upset about the loss.
All About Scoring, Innit? does of course contain clips of an actual football match between Chelsea and Preston filmed on the 20th September 1980. As I’ve dug out the programme for that game I just wanted to mention it.

At the end of the interview is a segment where we refer to several emails from listeners so stick with us until the end.
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